Friday, September 12, 2008

Evry1 <3's my Cookin!!

SO, i cooked tonight, and i made a teriyaki chicken ramen cabbage salad, which is SO SO good! And everyone here is like aw! you are such an amazing cook! it makes me feel so good! lol. So i made that dinner tonight, but i made more than i thought was going to be made,... i didn't know what the recipe really made, so a had lots of leftovers! So i ate until i was full and i still had stuff left! So i was like hey! you guys can eat some because i'm full and i can't save it because the ramen gets mooshy!! and so then all of my roommates came and swarmed my salad and ate it all!!! want proof?!?!
SEE!! All my salad. lol. Jessica is eating from my plate in front of her and kimber sarah and Kassi are eating from the bowl i mixed it in. lol. Silly silly roomates! Kimber is the only one actually eating, lol the others stopped when i took the picture and posed... lol. Oh oh!! and i made two binders that are really cute i think... and this blog page needs more pictures so i will show you!!
I like them :-) So alright! TTYL!! ;-)

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