Sunday, September 7, 2008

Crazy Crazy Happenins!!!

Okay, so jessica and i just argued becuase she wasn't writing on our blog. So i threatened to kick her off. Is it too much to ask that all members of the blog participate equally?! No, i didn't think so. So anyways, i was like dude! Jessica!! Write on our blog!! and she was like i've been so stressed out lately! and i was like yeah right! like she hasn't been hanging out with us the entire day?!?! and with her friends?!?! yeah. That's right. Anyways, so i was persuasively talking to jessica about writing on the blog and she was like UGH fine! I'm gonna write on the blog! and i was like, you know what?! no, you don't get to because you are just writing it becuase i told you to!! and she was like yeah!! and so... i threatened to revoke her blog privelages if she wrote it and she was like okay fine do it!! So... i did :-) yeah, that showed her... but then i felt bad and allowed her to write one... i'm not happy i did that becuase she just called me a nazi. And even worse, her computer can talk so she had it read her little blog... and it said "Lindsey is a blog Nazi.."... yeah totally rude. I mean, all i wanted was for our blog to be the best blog on earth and she had to get all up in my grill and all spiteful about it!!! Geez Geez. So inconsiderate, she doesn't realize that her life would be empty and barren without this blog. Sigh. well, i think she might be writing one... wait no. she's "personalizing my signature"... yeah i see what's important.,.. it's all me me me, never seeing what she can do for the team. You get my predicament, but anyways... maybe she will write on our blog more often since i taught her a lesson.. hopefully she learned and she doesn't do it again.... This first time was just a mild warning.... Night!
Oh and P.S. college starts tomorrow and i am nervous.... oh well, that's life. I gotta just get it over with!! :-)
p.p.s- i do love jessica lol. even though she called me a nazi, it seems like i'm always the one that needs to be the bigger person...

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