On Friday night Sarah, Kimber and I had an amazing night. Jared, Brett and Drew came over with all the ingredients to make cupcakes. We all worked together and made way too many cupcakes, that were all beautifully decorated.
But while we were enjoying our chocolate on chocolate cupcakes Kimber made a move on Sarah and got icing all over her face. Then Brett thinking he was oh so clever he tricked Jared into getting a little closer and got a LARGE amounts of icing all over his face. Then chaos irrupted in apartment 301. Icing was flying everywhere, Brett attacked Jared, Jared attacked Drew and me, Drew got Sarah, Sarah got Kimber and Drew and I got Drew and Jared also.
After we escaped all the chocolatey icing that was now all over faces and in our hair, much to the dismay of all the girls, we came back into the apartment. We then all cleaned up all that we could and went to and watched Iron Man (amazing movie).
All in all we had an awesome night and the next day we found a huge glob of icing on our door.